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3rd HyMeX workshop 1-4 June 2009 Heraklion (Gournes), Crete-Greece
Submited abstracts
Solicited talks
Session 1
Session 2
Solicited talks
Adaptive Observation with Balloons in the Mediterranean
Alexis DOERENBECHER (Météo-France)
; C. Basdevant, P. Drobinski, P. Durand, C. Fesquet, O. Pannekoucke, N. Verdier
RaNHyM: A water vapour lidar based network of experimental sites for the Mediterranean hydrological cycle
Gian Luigi Liberti (ISAC-CNR)
; A. Behrendt, M. Cacciani, F. Congeduti, D. Dionisi, A. Di Sarra, P. Di Girolamo, D.Fua, P.Keckhut, F. Madonna, F. Marzano, G. Mastrantonio, P. Minnett, G. Pace, G. Pappalardo, M.R. Perrone, V. Rizi, S. Federico, N.Spinelli, D.Summa, Xuan Wuang and V. Wulfmeyer
A Regional Earth System model for the Mediterranean basin: the CIRCE experience
Paolo Michele Ruti (ENEA)
; The Protheus group
Convection and high impact weather studies by aircraft measurements and operation of the KITCube in the CORSICA observatory
Christoph Kottmeier (Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
; Ulrich Corsmeier, Norbert Kalthoff, Dominique Lambert, Evelyne Richard
Session 1
Study and calibration of a surface evaporation scheme for time series of climate variables in a mediterranean site
Paolo Martano (ISAC-CNR)
Space hydrology for the monitoring of Mediterranean droughts
Jean-Christophe Calvet (CNRM-GAME ( Meteo-France, CNRS))
; Clément Albergel, Jean-François Mahfouf, Eric Martin
Studying the Mediterranean land-air interaction feedbacks through long-term assimilation of precipitation data into the WRF land surface schemes
Efthymios Serpetzoglou (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research)
; A. Papadopoulos, E. N. Anagnostou, T. Karacostas
Recent Mediterranean water cycle changes: a pathway toward long-term regional hydroclimatic change?
Annarita Mariotti (ENEA and UMD/ESSIC)
Contribution to the study of fluctuations in rainfall in west Algeria and its impact on land use
Djamila Harrache (Faculty of Science, University Djillali Liabès (Sidi -Bel -Abbès, Algeria))
; Khéloufi Benabdeli
Contribution to the study of space distribution fluctuations of precipitations in Algeria
Khéloufi Benabdeli (Faculty of Science of nature and life/(LRSBG), University of Mascara)
; Djamila Harrache
Sea level variability in the context of HyMeX
Damià Gomis (IMEDEA (Universitat de les Illes Balears - CSIC))
; Enrique Álvarez, Samuel Somot, Mikis Tsimplis, Gabriel Jordà, Marta Marcos, Francisco M. Calafat, Roland Aznar
Monitoring, detection and attribution of thermohaline stability and variability in the Western Mediterranean Sea
Katrin Schroeder (CNR-ISMAR)
; Gian Pietro Gasparini (CNR-ISMAR), Stefania Sparnocchia (CNR-ISMAR), Marine Herrmann (CNRM/Météo-France)
Modelling of the Mediterranean circulation using atmospheric fields at different space-time resolutions
Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier (LMD/IPSL)
; Karine Béranger (ENSTA-LOCEAN/IPSL), Philippe Drobinski (LMD/IPSL)
Subsurface temperature and salinity variability in the Aegean-Black Sea system during 1950-2000 and relation to meteorologic forcing
Haris Kontoyiannis (Hellenic Center for Marine Research)
; V. Papadopoulos
On the importance of downscaling methods to study the impact of climate change on Mediterranean basins
Pere Quintana Seguí (Observatori de l'Ebre (Universitat Ramon Llull - CSIC))
; Aurélien Ribes, Eric Martin, Florence Habets, Julien Boé
Estimating the Mediterranean Sea Water Budget: impact of RCM design
Samuel Somot (Météo-France/CNRM/GAME)
; Nellie Elguindi, Emilia Sanchez-Gomez, Marine Herrmann, Michel Déqué
Regional climate modelling: Changes in components of the hydrological cycle under future climate conditions
Mirta Patarcic (Meteorological and Hydrological Service)
; Lidija Srnec, Cedo Brankovic
River run-off, dynamics and properties of terrestrial dissolved organic matter in Eastern Mediterranean coastal waters
Maria Tzortziou (Hellenic Center for Marine Research & University of Maryland - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
; E. Dimitriou, C. Zeri, D. Tsoliakos, P. Neale, P. Megonigal, A. Gogou, A. Papadopoulos, E. Anagnostou
Assessment of the Mediterranean Water Cycle using an atmosphere-ocean couple model.
Alberto Elizalde (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
; Daniela Jacob, Uwe Mikolajewicz
Analysis of the West African Monsoon water cycle with the help of Numerical Weather Prediction models and observational products from AMMA.
Olivier Bock (IGN/LAREG)
; O. Bock, R. Meynadier, S. Gervois, F. Guichard, A. Boone and J.-L. Redelsperger
Is the Aegean Sea a "continental shelf pump" for the absorption of atmospheric CO2? Evidence from winter observations.
Evangelia Krasakopoulou (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research; Institute of Oceanography)
; Stergios Economou, Spyridon Rapsomanikis, Anastasios Papadopoulos, Evangelos Papathanassiou
The Climate of the Euro-Mediterranean Region as Simulated with a global AOGCM coupled with an interactive high-resolution model of the Mediterranean Sea
Silvio Gualdi (INGV-CMCC)
; E. Scoccimarro, A. Bellucci, A. Sanna, P. Oddo
Air-Sea Heat Fluxes estimation over the eastern Mediterranean based on HCMR's Poseidon buoy network
Vassilis Papadopoulos (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Local Office of Achaia)
; Themis Chronis
A survay of the meteorological and hydrological characteristics of the Adriatic sea catchment area
Ksenija Cesarec (Meteorological and Hydrological service of Croatia)
; Dusan Trninic, Sc.D. Ksenija Cesarec, M.S.
MOOSE: An integrated multi-sites observatory system in the NW Mediterranean Sea
Laurent Coppola (Observatoire Oceanologique de Villefranche-sur-Mer)
; F. Mantoura, L. Coppola, M. Cousin, L. Mortier, P. Testor, J.M. Lellouche, B. Zakardjian, J. Piazzola, A. Molcard, W. Ludwig, X. Durrieu de Madron, JF Cadiou, V. Rigaud, P. Lebaron, S. Blain, R. Vuillemin, C. Goyet, B. Queguiner, A. Petrenko, G. Gorsky, D. Antoine, R. Sempere, P. Raimbault, C. Tamburini, L. Petit de la Villeon, C. Gojak, L. Beguery, M-N. Bouin
A Mediterranean atmospheric and oceanographic observatory in Corsica within the framework of HyMEx, ChArMEx and MERMEx
Dominique Lambert (Laboratoire d'Aérologie)
; M. Mallet, F. Dulac, G. Athier, F. Auclair, P. Battesti, C. Bruno, B. Campistron, J.-P. Chaboureau, B. Charriere, L. Coppola, S. Coquillat, U. Corsmeier, K. Desboeufs, B. Di Martino, P. Drobinski, V. Ducrocq, J.-B. Filippi, F. Gheusi , P. Goloub, L. Gomes, C. Guieu, N. Kalthoff, C. Kottmeier, M.D. Loÿe-Pilot,C. Mari, M. Muselli, G. Notton, J.-P. Pinty, T. Podvin, V. Pont, J.-P. Rambaud, E. Richard, F. Saïd, B. Sauvage, J.L. Savelli, J. Sciare, R. Sempere, D. Serça, X. Silvani, F. Solmon, S. Soula, V. Thouret, C. Ulses
Investigation of moisture anomalies over Mediterranean Sea using precipitable water estimated from MSG SEVIRI data
Liliana Velea (ISAC-CNR , (permanent: NMA Bucharest, Romania))
; Gian Luigi Liberti
ChArMEx - The Chemistry Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment
; F. Dulac, L. Gomes, J-L. Attié, G. Bergametti, M. Mallet, J. Sciare, D. Tanré, A. Borbon, J.-P. Cammas, L. Coppola, P. Chazette, K. Desboeufs, P. Durand, C. Flamant, F. Gheusi, C. Guieu, D. Lambert, C. Liousse, R. Losno, N. Marchand, C. Mari, G. Notton, V.-H. Peuch, F. Ravetta, P. Ricaud, J.-L. Savelli, C. Seigneur, C. Textor, S. Turquéty, and N. Verdier
5-km operational weather forecasts for the Mediterranean region: The POSEIDON system
Anastasios Papadopoulos (Hellenic Centre for Marine Research)
; P. Katsafados, E. Mavromatidis, E. Anagnostou, M. Grecu
Estimation of hydrological variables using remote sensing in the REMEDHUS area (Duero basin, Spain)
Nilda Sanchez-Martin (Centro Hispano Luso de Investigaciones Agrarias. Universidad de Salamanca.)
; José Martínez-Fernández, Carlos Pérez-Gutiérrez, Guido Baroncini-Turricchia
Analysis of hydrological processes at different scales and land uses in the Duero basin (Spain)
Jose Martinez-Fernandez (Centro Hispano Luso de Investigaciones Agrarias. Universidad de Salamanca.)
; Guido Baroncini-Turricchia, Nilda Sanchez-Martin, Carlos Perez-Gutierrez, Ana Cano
RaNHyM: A water vapour lidar based network of experimental sites for the Mediterranean hydrological cycle
Gian Luigi Liberti (ISAC-CNR)
; A. Behrendt, M. Cacciani, F. Congeduti, D. Dionisi, A. Di Sarra, P. Di Girolamo, D.Fua, P.Keckhut, F. Madonna, F. Marzano, G. Mastrantonio, P. Minnett, G. Pace, G. Pappalardo, M.R. Perrone, V. Rizi, S. Federico, N.Spinelli, D.Summa, Xuan Wuang and V. Wulfmeyer
The dynamics and balance of water mass transport in the Mediterranean Sea from gravity satellite data
Isabel Vigo (University of Alicante)
; David Garcia, Ben Chao and Jose M. Sanchez-Reales
Distributes computing experiment: Building a grand ensemble of simulations of present day and projected Mediterranean and North African climate
Laura Mariotti (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
A Regional Earth System model for the Mediterranean basin: the CIRCE experience
Paolo Michele Ruti (ENEA)
; The Protheus group
Long- term discharge variability in the main rivers of the Mediterranean Sea basin
Cintia Uvo (Dept Water Resources Eng., Lund University; Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC))
; S. Gualdi (CMCC), E. Scoccimarro (CMCC), and A. Bellucci (CMCC)
Convection and high impact weather studies by aircraft measurements and operation of the KITCube in the CORSICA observatory
Christoph Kottmeier (Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
; Ulrich Corsmeier, Norbert Kalthoff, Dominique Lambert, Evelyne Richard
Session 2
Flash-flood monitoring by image analysis in the Ardèche river catchment, France: validation tests and set-up of a distributed observation network
Isabelle Braud (Cemagref UR HHLY)
; Jérôme Le Coz, Guillaume Dramais, Alexandre Hauet
Ensemble methods for evaluating the convective-scale predictability of Mediterranean Heavy Precipitation Events.
Olivier Nuissier (Météo-France/CNRM/GAME)
; Benoit Vié and Véronique Ducrocq
HYDROMED: A proposed US contribution to HYMEX in the study of hydrological cycle, extreme events, and effects on ecosystem processes in the Mediterranean
Emmanouil Anagnostou (Hellenic Center for Marine Research & University of Connecticut)
; M. Tzortziou, M. Gebremichael, P. Neale, H. El-Askary, G. Wang, A. Bagtzoglou, J. Bushey, G. Warner, T. Torgersen, A. Cede, N. Krotkov, P. Megonigal
A high-resolution data assimilation system for Mediterranean high-impact weather events: AROME West-MED.
Fanny Duffourg (Météo-France, CNRM/GAME)
; Geneviève Jaubert, Pierre Brousseau, Véronique Ducrocq
Hydrometeorological ensemble forecasting of Mediterranean flash-flood events
Béatrice VINCENDON (CNRM/GAME (Météo-France, CNRS))
; V. Ducrocq, O. Nuissier, B. Vie, G.M. Saulnier
From COPS to HyMeX: assimilating ground-based remote sensing data into high-resolution atmospheric models to predict extreme precipitating events
Olivier Caumont (CNRM/GAME (Météo-France, CNRS))
; Véronique Ducrocq, Olivier Bousquet, Chiraz Boudjabi, Jacques Parent du Châtelet
Lightning applications in hydrology and extreme weather monitoring
Themis Chronis (Hellenic Center for Marine Research)
Evolution and structure of two severe Bora events: Contrast between the northern and southern Adriatic
Kristian Horvath (Meteorological and Hydrological Service)
; Stjepan Ivatek-Sahdan, Branka Ivancan-Picek, Vanda Grubisic
Numerical mesoscale air-sea coupling over the Gulf of Lions during two Tramontane/Mistral events
Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier (LMD/IPSL)
; Philippe Drobinski
Upstream wind field conditions in the western Mediterranean basin monitored by a wind profiler radars network
Frédérique Said (Laboratoire d'Aérologie)
; Campistron B. and Lambert D.
On the rainfall-altitude relationship in a mediterranean mountainous region : the South-East of France
Gilles Molinié (LTHE, Université de Grenoble, France)
; D. Ceresetti, J. D. Creutin, S. Anquetin and B. Boudevillain
T-NAWDEX - The THORPEX North Atlantic Waveguide and Downstream Impact Experiment: Outline of scientific background
Heini Wernli (University of Mainz)
; Andreas Dörnbrack(DLR Oberpaffenhofen, Germany), George Craig(DLR Oberpaffenhofen, Germany), Sarah Jones (University and Research Centre Karlsruhe, Germany)
Quantification of moisture sources for an event of heavy precipitation in the western Mediterranean
Heini Wernli (University of Mainz)
; Andreas Winschall (University of Mainz, Germany), Harald Sodemann (NILU, Norway), Stephan Pfahl (University of Mainz, Germany)
Idealized numerical study of Mediterranean heavy precipitating events : identification of favouring ingredients
Emilie Bresson (Météo-France/CNRM/GAME)
; Véronique Ducrocq, Olivier Nuissier, Didier Ricard, Céline De Saint-Aubin
Hydrologic analysis of flash floods in a mountainous basin
Efthymios Nikolopoulos (Hellenic Center for Marine Research, Institute of Inland Waters)
; E.N. Anagnostou, M. Borga, E.R. Vivoni, A. Papadopoulos
Targeted observations for the Mediterranean. First results from the 2008 Eurorisk-PREVIEW campaign
Ana Genoves (Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia. Delegación Territorial en Illes Balears)
; J. Campins, M.A. Picornell, and A. Jansa
Lightning observations during HyMeX: ZEUS observations
Vassiliki Kotroni (National Observatory of Athens)
; K. Lagouvardos
Observational strategy for HyMeX WG3 and WG4: setting Crete island as an experimental area
Kostas Lagouvardos (National Observatory of Athens)
; V. Kotroni
Continuous Humidity Profiling using Wind Profilers
Madhu Chandra Kalapureddy (Laboratoire d'Aérologie)
; Campistron B., Saïd F.
Aerosol-cloud-precipitation-radiadion feedbacs and their impacts on water budget
George Kallos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA))
; S. Solomos, C. Spyrou, C. Mitsakou, J. Kushta, E. Tyrlis
Uncertainty of high-resolution forecasting of a flood event
Silvio Davolio (ISAC - CNR)
; Oxana Drofa, Andrea Buzzi
Impact of satellite passive microwave observations on the nowcasting of a Mediterranean flash-flood event
Mircea Grecu (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
; E. N. Anagnostou, A. Papodopoulos
Investigation of dynamic and thermodynamic processes of western Mediterranean cyclones leading to high impact weather (HIW)
Ulrich Corsmeier (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)
; Norbert Kalthoff, Christoph Kottmeier
Adaptive Observation with Balloons in the Mediterranean
Alexis DOERENBECHER (Météo-France)
; C. Basdevant, P. Drobinski, P. Durand, C. Fesquet, O. Pannekoucke, N. Verdier
KITCube Karlsruhe Atmospheric Observatory for Convection Studies
Norbert Kalthoff (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)
; Andreas Wieser, Jan Handwerker, Ulrich Corsmeier, Martin Kohler, Christoph Kottmeier
Characterization of the lightning activity and precipitation in South of France in preparation of the first SOP HyMeX campaign
Eric Defer (Observatoire de Paris)
; Sylvain Coquillat (Laboratoire d'aerologie), Veronique Ducrocq (MeteoFrance), Laurent Labatut (MeteoFrance)
Detection, Analysis and Use of the Lightning Activity During the HyMeX Experiment (PEACH)
Christelle Barthe (Cellule Recherche Cyclones)
; S. Coquillat, A. Bennett, H.-D. Betz, P. Blanchet, E. Defer, T. Farges, J.-F. Georgis, P. Lalande, P. Laroche, G. Molinie, J.-P. Pinty, S. Soula
Observations and simulations of dynamic and thermodynamic processes of Mediterranean cyclones leading to high impact weather
Norbert Kalthoff (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)
; Dominique Lambert, Ulrich Corsmeier, Christoph Kottmeier, Evelyne Richard
Planned HyMeX contributions by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Christoph Kottmeier (Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung (IMK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
; Ulrich Corsmeier, Norbert Kalthoff, Bernhard Vogel, Gerd Schädler, Sarah Jones
Assessment of initial soil moisture conditions to improve event-based rainfall-runoff models in a small headwater catchment
Yves Tramblay (HSM/IRD)
; Christophe Bouvier, Claude Martin, Jean-François Didon-Lescot, Dragana Todorovik, Jean-Marc Domergue
Eastern Adriatic extreme precipitation and temperature conditions: changes in magnitude, frequencies and spells
Marjana Gajic-Capka (Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia)
; Ksenija Cindric, Ksenija Zaninovic
Predictability and uncertainty in extreme hydrometeorological events in the Mediterranean: research experiences at CIMA Foundation
Antonio Parodi (CIMA Research Foundation)
; Giorgio Boni (Scientific Director, CIMA Research Foundation)
A network of precipitation and wind profiler radars along the Mediterranean sea northwestern basin for the HyMeX Enhanced Observation period (EOP)
Jean-Luc Caccia (L.S.E.E.T.)
; O. Bousquet (CNRM/ Météo-France), V. Ducrocq (CNRM/Météo-France) and F. Saïd (CRA/LA/OMP) and colleagues from French (LA, CNRM, SA, LaMP, Météo-France) and Italian (ISAC-CNR, INFN) institutes
HyMeX – Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment 2010-2020