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4th HyMeX workshop 8-10 June 2010 at CNR, Bologna, Italy

Posters in pdf

MWB03-Evaluation and comparison of regional climate models over the Iberian Peninsula
Sanchez de Cos M.E., AEMET

MWB04-Estimating the Mediterranean Sea Water and Heat Budgets: uncertainties in the observed estimates and in the Regional Climate Models
Somot S., Meteo-France/CNRM-GAME

MWB10-Impact of the parameterisation of the bottom friction on the deep convection and general circulation of the Mediterranean Sea
Lebeaupin Brossier C., Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory

MWB11-Development of a high resolution regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model for seasonal prediction and climate studies at IC3
Shinde M., IC3

MWB12-Contribution to the Mediterranean Sea water and heat budget definition: links between the Tyrrhenian and the Liguro-Provencal sub basins
Schroeder K., CNR - ISMAR

MWB22-Mechanisms leading to rainfall anomalies in the Mediterranean region

MWB27-Long-term monitoring of the hydrographic properties of water masses in the Adriatic Sea
Paschini E., ISMAR-CNR Ancona

MWB28-Evaporation and recent changes in Mediterranean Deep waters
Salat J., ICM-CSIC

CHC01-The ISAC-CNR micrometeorological base and database in Lecce
Martano P., ISAC-CNR

CHC06-Modelling interactions between surface and hydrosystems over the Crau Camargue region
Courault D., Chargee de Recherches (HDR)

CHC07-Methodology for the assimilation of regional climate model output in local climate change impact studies adopting physically-based models of eco-hydrological processes
Guyennon D., IRSA-CNR

CHC14-Impact of the South Asian monsoon on the Mediterranean climate
Tamura T., University of Tokio

HPF01-Ensemble-based mesoscale data assimilation and 3D scanning lidar operations: Proposed Contributions of University of Hohenheim to HyMeX SOP 2012/13
Behrendt A., University of Hohenheim

HPF03-A Mediterranean atmospheric observatory in Corsica within the framework of HyMEx and ChArMEx
Lambert D., University of Toulouse

HPF04-Polarimetric radar observations of orographic impact on mesoscale precipitation events
Hagen M., DLR Institute for Atmospheric Physics

HPF07-Real time high-resolution forecast support for the HyMEX Special Observing Period: deterministic and ensemble strategies.
Nuret M., Meteo-France

HPF10-Meteo-hydrological predictions: testing different ensemble approaches
Davolio S., ISAC-CNR

HPF13-Towards a mesoscale Ensemble Prediction System for the north-western Mediterranean
Richard E., Laboratoire d'Aerologie

HPF14-Lightning activity and precipitation in South of France from August to December between 1992 and 2008
Coquillat S., LA University of Toulouse

HPF18-Assimilation of polarimetric radar observations with the Arome model
Caumont O., CNRM-GAME

HPF20-Relationships between High Precipitation Events (HPEs) and upper-level dynamics in a semi-idealized atmosphere
Maynard K., Meteo-France

HPF26-08/08/08: the olympic storm event and its implications about severe weather

HPF27-The WAVATEB project: water vapour transport in the Ebro valley during HyMeX experiment
Ezcurra A., University Pais Vasco

HPF28-Post-flood field surveys: an efficient way to gain experience on flash floods. Methodology and illustrations
Marchi L., CNR IRPI

HPF29-Uncertainties in short-term forecasts of a Mediterranean heavy precipitation event: Assessment with satellite observations
Chaboureau J.P., University of Toulouse-CNRS

HPF33-Lightning measurements and its application for severe storm detection and nowcasting
Holler H., Institut for Atmospheric Physics

HPF36-RainMusic multi-instrument precipitation analysis: Application to the VOLTAIRE and MAP D-PHASE case studies
Mariani S., ISPRA

HPF38-Evolution and growth of perturbations in a convection-resolving model
Uboldi F., Novate Milanese

HPF42-Lightning activity in relation to thermodynamics, dynamics and microphysics in storms over Paris region
Buguet M., University Paul Sabatier

HPF44-Heavy precipitation systems observation at high resolution using Doppler Polarimetric measurements obtained with the FM-CW TARA radar
Dufournet Y., TU Delft - ATMOS

HPF45-Historical flash flood impact in Mallorca and its future evolution
Rossello J., University of Balearic Islands

HPF50-Rainfall regimes in the Cevennes-Vivarais target area for HyMEx
Molinie G., LTHE-University of Grenoble 1

IASF08-Meteorological and Marine Time Series Collected Offshore in the Ligurian Sea
Bozzano R., CNR-ISSIA

VAC02-Statistical distributions of wildfire in Corsica: a multifractal approach
Silvani X., CNRS UMR 6134