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4th HyMeX workshop 8-10 June 2010 at CNR, Bologna, Italy
Plenary sessions presentations
Tuesday, June 8
Opening session
A. Buzzi
Workshop introduction
V. Ducrocq, P. Drobinski
WMO support to HyMeX
S. Nickovic
Practical informations
S. Davolio
T1 - Plenary session - WG objectives and program strategy (Chair: P. Lionello)
T1.1 - Water budget of the Mediterranean sea (WG1)
S. Somot, A. Mariotti, W. Ludwig
T1.2 -Continental hydrological cycle and water ressources (WG2)
I. Braud, A. Chanzy
T2 - Plenary session - WG objectives and program strategy (Chair: P. Drobinski)
T2.1 - Heavy precipitations and flash-flooding (WG3)
G. Delrieu, E. Richard, A. Montanari, R. Romero
T2.2 - Intense sea-atmosphere interactions (WG4)
K. Beranger, C. Estournel, B. Invancan-Picek, S. Josey, K. Lagouvardos
T2.3 - Social and vulnerability and adaptation capacity (WG5)
I. Ruin, M.C. Llasat, C. Lutoff
T3 - Plenary session - Science talks
Water budget of the Mediterranena sea (Chair: M. Gacic)
T3.1 - Recent changes in Mediterranean sea water cycle
A. Mariotti
T3.2 - Calculating the water and heat balances of the eastern Mediterranean basin using ocean modeling and available meteorological, hydrological and ocean data
M. Shaltout, L. Arneborg, A. Omstedt
T3.3 - Numerical estimate of river discharge in the Mediterranean basin
M. V. Struglia, G. Pisacane
T3.4 - Langrangian monitoring of the Mediterranean thermohaline properties and currents: Past results and future plans
P.-M. Poulain
Heavy precipitation, flash-floods and floods (Chair: S. Davolio)
T3.5 - Cb-TRAM: Tracking and monitoring severe convection over the Mediterranean from onset over rapid development to mature phase using multi-channel Meteosat SEVIRI data
A. Taffemer, C. Forster, T. Zinner
T3.6 - Analysis of storm structure, motion and interaction with the drainage basin properties for selected extreme flash floods in the Mediterranean area
M. Borga, P. Tarolli, D. Zoccatelli, F. Marra
T3.7 - Measurement of alpine precipitation using an X-band polarimetric radar
A. Berne, M. Schneebeli, S. Jolivet
T3.8 - Shallow orographic convection contribution to the water resources in Mediterranean
B. Boudevillain, A. Godart, S. Anquetin, E. Leblois, J. D. Creutin
Wednesday, June 9
W1 - Plenary session - Science talks
Intense air-sea exchanges (Chair: S. Stofianos)
W1.1 - A refined cyclogenesis tracking climatology in the Mediterranean for charactrerisation and predictability perspectives of automnal intense wind events
B. Joly, P. Arbogast
W1.2 - Complex properties of the Bora wind
B. Ivancan-Picek, I. Stiperski, V. Grubisic, A. Bajic
W1.3 - Rapid upper ocean responses to intense meteorological events in mesoscale ocean-atmosphere regional modeling
C. Lebeaupin-Brossier, K. Beranger, P. Drobinski
W1.4 - QuckSCAT observations of extreme wind evetns over the Mediterranean and black seas during 2000-2008
T. Chronis, V. Papadopoulos
Heavy precipitation, flash-floods and floods (Chair: V. Grubisic)
W1.5 - Verification of an integrated meteo-marine modeling chain with quantitative and qualitative method
S. Mariani, M. Casaioli, B. Lastoria, A. Orasi, F. Catini
W1.6 - Collection of witness reports and evaluation of prediction tools for flash flood events
J. J. Gourley, J. M. Erlingis, D. P. Jorgensen, Y. Hong
W1.7 - Use of regional distributed hydrological modeling approaches for the design of catchment experimental set up within HyMeX
I. Braud, S. Anquetin, H. Roux, O. Vannier, M. M. Maubourguet, P. Viallet, B. Boudevillain, D. Dartus, J. D. Creutin
W1.8 - Atlantic precusors of Mediterranean cyclones: modeling at kilometer scale
J.-P. Chaboureau, F. Pantillon, C. Lac, P. Mascart
W2 - Plenary session - Science talks
The continental hydrological cycle and related water resources (Chair: A. Montanari)
W2.1 - Do regional climate models reproduces the spatial distribution of monthly precipitation in the Mediterranean region better than global models?
P. Lionello, L. Congedi
W2.2 - Land biogeophysical variables of the Mediterranean basin: To what extend can ERA-I be used to drive land-surface models?
J.-C. Calvet, C. Szczypta
W2.3 - Use of HYPROM to asses the Moraca river water potential
G. Pejanovic, M. Vujadinovic, S. Nickovic, V. Djurdjervic
W2.4 - Precipitation retrieval from satellite within EUMETSAT's H-SAF
A. Mugnai, S. Dietrich, V. Levizzani, D. Casella, E. Cattani, F. Di Paola, M. Fromenton, S. Laviola, P. Sano
W2.5 - The Coordinated Energy and water cycle Observation Project
S. Williams
Societal and economical impacts (Chair: E. Gruntfest)
W2.6 - Prediflood: A french research project aiming at developping a road submersion warning system for flash flood prone areas
E. Gaume, J.-P. Naulin, O. Payrastre, G. Delrieu, P. Arnaud, C. Lutoff, B. Vincendon
W2.7 - Consequences of the climate change on the water scarcity in the Mediterranean basin
H. Nassopoulos, P. Dumas
W3 - Plenary session - Implementation plan talks (Chair: S. Gualdi, E. Anagnastou)
W3.1 - SOP/EOP Implementation plan - Overviw for the eastern Mediterranean
E. Anagnostou
W3.2 - SOP/EOP Implementation plan - Overview for the Adriatic target area
M. Borga, B. Ivancan-Picek
W3.3 - SOP/EOPImplementation plan - Overview fot the Northwestern Mediterranean area
part 1
part 2
V. Ducrocq, G. Boni, A Parodi
W3.4 - Boundary layer balloons ne the Mediterranean
C. Basdevant, A. Doeenbecher, P. Drobinski, P. Durand, C. Fesquest, A. Vargas, N. Verdier
W3.5 - Observations and products available from the lightning observation task team during HyMeX
C. Barthe, A. Bennet, H.-D. Betz, P. Blanchet, M. Chong, S. Coquillat, E. Defer, T. Farges, U. Flinke, J.-F. Georgis, H. Holler, P. Krehbiel, K. Lagouvardos, P. Lalande, P. Laroche, G. Molinie, P. Ortega, J._P. Pinty, W. Rison, W. Schultz, S. Soula
W3.6 - LAM-EPS activities,: Common scientific interest for HyMeX and TIGGE-LAM1
T. Paccagnella, L. Descamps, A. Montani
W3.7 - HyMeX database
L. Fleury, K. Ramage, J.-L. Boichard, G. Brissebat, S. Cloche, L. Mastrorillo
W3.8 - Data management needs in hydrometeorological institutes
T. Roschier, J. Ikonen, A. McDonald
Thursday, June 10
TH1 - Plenary session - Science talks
Heavy precipitation, flash-flood and floods (Chair: V. Homar)
TH1.1 - DTS-MEDEX-2009 campaign
A. Jansa, P. Arbogast, A. Doerenbecher, A. Genoves, S. Klink, D. Richardson, C. Sahin
TH1.2 - A flash flood early warning sys tem based on hydrometeorological simulation of ensemble weather forecasts
A. Alfieri, J. Thielen
TH1.3 - Cloud-resolving ensemble simulations of Mediterranean heavy precipitating events: Uncertainty on Meso-scale initial conditions vs uncertainty on lateral boundary conditions
B. Vie, O. Nuissier, V. Ducrocq
TH1.4 - Impact of radar data assimilation on WRF simulations of the Aniene flood
I. Maeillo, R. Ferretti, S. Gentille, M. Montopoli, E. Piccotti, G. Giuliani, F. S. Marzano
Water budget of the Mediterranean sea (Chair: A. Mariotti)
TH1.5 - The SMOS mission 6 Months after launch: possibilities to study the water cycle in the Mediterranean region
J. Font
TH1.6 - A regional earth system perspective on the water budget over the Mediterranean catchment area
P. M. Ruti, S. Calmanti, A. Dell Aquila, V. Artale, A. Carillo, F. Giorgi, G. Pisacane, G. Sannino, M. V Struglia
TH1.7 - Climate change in the Mediterranean region: results from a global AOGCM coupled with an interactive high-resolution model of the Mediterranean sea
S. Gualdi, E. Scoccimarro, A. Belucci, P. Oddo, A. Sanna, E. Manzini, G. Fogli, A. Navarra
TH1.8 - The impact of climate change on the hydrometeorological extremesin Northeast of Spain
M. Turco, M.C. Llasat, P. Quintana Segui
TH2 - Plenary session IIP (Chair: J. Font)
MISTRALS : Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional and Local Scale
Sophie Gaudin-Beekmann
Rendering of parallel working session PW1.1 - Long-term ocean observations (LOP-EOP): SSO-buoy-gliders- Monitoring R/V cruises - satellite products
V. Cardin, L. Coppola, P.-M. Poulain
Rendering of parallel working session PW1.2 - Long-term hydrometeorological observations (LOP-EOP): meteorological and hydrological sites and networks, satellite products
E. Anagnostou, G. Delrieu, G. Liberti
Rendering of parallel working session PW2.1 - Instrument deployment design over TAs during SOP/EOP: mobile platforms (aircrafts, balloons, radar,...)
C. Flamant, A. Vargas, O. Bousquet
Rendering of parallel working session PW2.2 - Instrument deployment design over TAs during SOP/EOP: ocean and air-sea fluxes
R. Bozzano, H. Giordani, I. Taupier-Letage
Rendering of parallel working session PW2.3 - Modelling of the continental surface
M. Borga, I. Braud, A. Montanari
Rendering of parallel working session PW3.1 - Regional climate modelling
P. Ruti, S. Somot
Rendering of parallel working session PW3.2 - High-resolution modelling (incl. data assimilation) for intense events
C. Estournel, A. Montani, E. Richard
Rendering of parallel working session PW3.3 - Instrument deployment design over the TAs during SOP/EOP: in-situ networks, sites and supersites
O. Bock, N. Kartholff, I. Braud, P. Arbogast
4th HyMeX workshop conclusions
V. Ducrocq, P. Drobinski, P. Lionello
HyMeX – Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment 2010-2020