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9th HyMeX workshop 21-25 September 2015, Mykonos, Greece
Workshop program

Monday    Tuesday    Wednesday    Thursday    Friday    Posters

Monday 21 September 2015
09:15 - 09:45
Room: Thalatta1
Opening session
K. Lagouvardos et al.

09:45 - 10:30
Room: Thalatta1
5-year programme review: facts and figures
(first pdf, second pdf)

V. Ducrocq, P. Drobinski

10:30 - 11:00Coffee break

11:00 - 12:00
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science review: heavy precipitation
11:00Sources and transport of water vapour
presentation in pdf
C. Flamant
11:20Microphysics in precipitating systems
presentation in pdf
J. Delanoë
11:40Studies of IOPs (SOP1) precipitation events
presentation in pdf
S. Davolio
12:00 - 13:00
Room: Thalatta1
M1.1 - Heavy precipitation: IOP studies
Chair: N. Kalthoff
12:00Observations and numerical simulations of a supercell over the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region (northeastern Italy) in HyMeX IOP2b
presentation in pdf
R. Rotunno (M. M. Miglietta, A. Manzato, R. Rotunno)
12:15Heavy precipitation over Italy during HyMeX IOP13: numerical investigation using two mesoscale models
presentation in pdf
S. Davolio (S. Davolio, C. Barthlott)
12:30A localized high precipitation event over Corsica triggered by lee side convergence
presentation in pdf
P. Scheffknecht (P. Scheffknecht, E. Richard, D. Lambert)
12:45Offshore deep convection initiation and maintenance during HyMeX IOP16a heavy precipitation event
presentation in pdf
M. Martinet (M. Martinet, O. Nuissier, F. Duffourg, V. Ducrocq)

13:00 - 15:00Lunch break

15:00 - 15:30
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science review: flash-floods
presentation in pdf
I. Braud
15:30 - 16:45Parallel sessions & meetings M2.1, M2.2, M2.3
15:30 - 16:45
Room: Thalatta1
M2.1 - Flash-floods
Chair: E. Morin
15:30Hydrological post event survey after the autumn 2014 floods in the Cévennes region in France: results and first hydrological analyses
presentation in pdf
O. Payrastre (O. Payrastre, P.-A. Ayral, C. Barachet, V. Borell, B. Boudevillain, C. Bouvier, P. Brunet, P. Cantet, C. Coussot, G. Delrieu, A. Despax, J.-F. Didon-Lescot, M. Domergue, S. Ecrepont, S. Froidurot, N. Grard, L.-R. Lagadec, G. Le Bihan, R. Le Boursicaud, V. Mansanarez, P. Marchand, P. Martin, M.-L. Mosini, A. Mosset, R. Navas, L. Neppel, S. Perez, F. Raynaud, C. Saint-Martin, A. Wijbrans and all the HyMeX TTO2d team)
15:45Non-contact discharge measurements to better understand the dynamics of flash floods in Mediterranean catchments
presentation in pdf
G. Dramais (G. Dramais, J. Le Coz, R. Le Boursicaud, F. Branger, B. Renard, I. Horner, I. Braud)
16:00Flash floods hydrological process at the small catchment scale
presentation in pdf
C. Bouvier (C. Bouvier, M. Adamovic, P.-A. Ayral, P. Brunet, J.-F. Didon-Lescot, R. Freydier, N. Patris, J.-L. Seidel)
16:15Characterization of rainfall variability and uncertainty and its impact on the hydrological response during flash floods in the Ardèche catchment (2300 km2), France
presentation in pdf
I. Braud (I. Braud, H. Suspène, G. Delrieu, A. Wijbrans, B. Boudevillain, E. Leblois, B. Renard, M. Adamovic, F. Branger)
16:30Soil hydraulic properties derived from inverse water content modelling under artificial rainfalls. Application to experimental sites in Cevennes, France
presentation in pdf
M. Adamovic (M. Adamovic, P.-A. Ayral, C. Bouvier, P. Brunet, O. Le Bourgeois)
15:30 - 16:45
Room: Thalatta2
M2.2 - Dense water formation and ocean processes
Chair: P. Garreau
15:30Observation of deep convection in 2012-2013
presentation in pdf
P. Testor (P. Testor, T. Cai, A. Bosse, L. Mortier, L. Houpert, F. D'Ortenzio, V. Taillandier, L. Coppola, L. Prieur, P. Conan, A. Alvarez, R. Onken, J. Tintore)
15:45Destruction of potential vorticity in the vicinity of fronts in the Gulf of Lions as observed with gliders and simulated by a very-high resolution model
A. Bosse (A. Bosse, P. Testor, L. Mortier, P. Damien, C. Estournel, P. Marsaleix, L. Prieur)
16:00Dynamics of the northwestern Mediterranean during the HyMeX/ASICS experiment: a PV-perspective
presentation in pdf
H. Giordani (H. Giordani, C. Lebeaupin Brossier, F. Léger, L. Prieur, G. Caniaux, R. Waldman)
16:15Impact of mesoscale eddies on ocean deep convection in the northwestern Mediterranean sea
presentation in pdf
R. Waldman (R. Waldman, S. Somot, M. Herrmann, F. Sevault, G. Caniaux, P. Testor, C. Estournel, H. Giordani, R. Benshila, C. Q. Akuetevi, T. Arsouze)
16:30High resolution modelling of dense water formation in the Northwestern Mediterranean
presentation in pdf
C. Estournel (C. Estournel, P. Marsaleix)
15:30 - 16:45
Room: Pelagos
M2.3 - Side-meeting: IODA-MED final meeting
Chair: E. Richard

16:45 - 17:30Poster session 1 and coffee break

17:30 - 18:00
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science review: dense water formation and ocean mesoscale processes
presentation in pdf
H. Giordani, P. Testor
18:00 - 19:00Parallel sessions & meetings M3.1, M3.2, M3.3
18:00 - 19:00
Room: Thalatta1
M3.1 - Flash-floods
Chair: O. Payrastre
18:00Hydrological evaluation of X-band polarimetric radar rainfall estimation in the eastern Italian Alps
presentation in pdf
M. N. Anagnostou (M. N. Anagnostou, E. I. Nikolopoulos, J. Kalogiros, E. N. Anagnostou, F. Marra, E. Mair, G. Bertoldi, U. Tappeiner, M. Borga)
18:15Flash flood occurrence and relation to the rainfall hazard in Attica, Greece
presentation in pdf
K. Papagiannaki (K. Papagiannaki, K. Lagouvardos, V. Kotroni, A. Bezes)
18:30Space-time patterns of convective rain cells and flash flood response in the eastern Mediterranean
presentation in pdf
E. Morin (E. Morin, N. Peleg, H. Yakir, M. Karklinsky)
18:45Flood modeling of the 21-23 November 2014 events in the High-Atlas Mountains (Morocco)
presentation in pdf
Y. Tramblay (Y. Tramblay, L. Hanich, M. Benrhanem, A. Saidi)
18:00 - 19:00
Room: Thalatta2
M3.2 - Dense water formation and ocean processes
Chair: C. Estournel
18:00Physical processes from a 1D column model simulation of the north-western Mediterranean basin from August 2012 to August 2013
presentation in pdf
G. Caniaux (G. Caniaux, H. Giordani, L. Prieur, R. Waldman, J. Beuvier, C. Estournel, V. Garnier, P. Garreau)
18:15Physical processes acting in a numerical oceanic model during the convection period of SOP2
presentation in pdf
P. Garreau (P. Garreau, V.Garnier)
18:30Observing mesoscale instabilities of the Northern Current in the North Western Mediterranean Sea : a combined study using gliders, surface drifters, moving vessel profiler and vessel data in the Ligurian Sea
presentation in pdf
I. Pairaud (I. Pairaud, P. Garreau, D. Le Berre, D. Fernandez Bruyère, L. Bellomo, V. Garnier)
18:45Observations of diapycnal mixing in the western Mediterranean Sea
presentation in pdf
B. Ferron (B. Ferron, P. Bouruet-Aubertot, Y. Cuypers, K. Schroeder, M. Borghini, T. Arsouze, Benjamin Lemonnier)
18:00 - 19:00
Room: Pelagos
M3.3 - Side-meeting: IODA-MED final meeting
Chair: E. Richard

19:00Welcome reception

Tuesday 22 September 2015
09:00 - 09:30
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science review: air-sea fluxes, marine and ocean boundary layer coupled processses
presentation in pdf
M.N. Bouin, C. Lebeaupin-Brossier
09:30 - 10:45Parallel sessions & meetings T1.1, T1.2, T1.3
09:30 - 10:45
Room: Thalatta1
T1.1 - Air-sea coupling
Chair: S. Bastin
09:30Lagrangian dynamics of the Mistral during the HyMeX SOP2
presentation in pdf
P. Drobinski (P. Drobinski, B. Alonzo, C. Basdevant, P. Cocquerez, A. Doerenbecher, N. Fourrié, M. Nuret)
09:45The marine atmospheric boundary layer during the HyMeX/ASICS-MED campaign: structure under strong wind conditions and impact on turbulent flux estimates
presentation in pdf
P.-E. Brilouet (P.-E. Brilouet, P. Durand, G. Canut)
10:00High-resolution air-sea coupling with AROME-NEMO WMED for heavy precipitation event study
presentation in pdf
R. Rainaud (R. Rainaud, C. Lebeaupin Brossier, V. Ducrocq, H. Giordani, N. Fourrié, M.-N. Bouin)
10:15Dense water formation in NEMO-AROME WMED: initial conditions and coupling impacts
presentation in pdf
F. Léger (F. Léger, C. Lebeaupin Brossier, H. Giordani, T. Arsouze, J. Beuvier, M.-N. Bouin, V. Ducrocq, N. Fourrié, M. Nuret)
10:30Comparison of air-sea turbulent fluxes parameterization, with air-sea coupled model, during HyMeX SOP1 and SOP2
presentation in pdf
L. Seyfried (L. Seyfried, E. Richard, P. Marsaleix, C. Estournel)
09:30 - 10:45
Room: Thalatta2
T1.2 - Flash-floods
Chairs: E. Nikolopoulos, I. Braud
09:30Towards an hydrological ensemble forecasting system for Mediterranean flash floods
presentation in pdf
S. Edouard (S. Edouard, B. Vincendon, V. Ducrocq)
09:45Hydrometeorological assessment of AROME EPS on the fall 2014 HyMeX events
presentation in pdf
B. Vincendon (B. Vincendon, V. Ducrocq, C. de Saint-Aubin, L. Garandeau, L. Brech, A. Lovat, G. Larvor, P. Gastrin)
10:00Advancing satellite-based flood prediction over complex terrain with the aid of high-resolution atmospheric modeling
presentation in pdf
E.I. Nikolopoulos (E.I. Nikolopoulos, N. Bartsotas, E.N. Anagnostou, G. Kallos)
10:155-year science outlook meeting: flash-floods
presentation in pdf
Chair: I. Braud
09:30 - 10:45
Room: Pelagos
T1.3 - 5-year science outlook meeting: microphysics, lightning and heavy precipitation systems
Chairs: J. Delanoë, S. Coquillat, E. Richard

10:45 - 11:15Coffee break

11:15 - 11:45
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science review: society vulnerabilities facing high-impact weather
O. Petrucci, I. Ruin
11:45 - 13:00Parallel sessions & meetings T2.1, T2.2, T2.3
11:45 - 13:00
Room: Thalatta1
T2.1 - Vulnerabilities
Chair: C. Llasat
11:45Effects of floods and landslides on people in a Mediterranean region (Calabria, Italy): victims, injured and involved people
O. Petrucci (O. Petrucci, A. A. Pasqua)
12:00Are individual's perceptual and behavioural responses related to the rainfall severity during the fall 2014 episodes in southern France?
presentation in pdf
I. Ruin (I. Ruin, V. Tournon, C. Cavalière, B. Boudevillain, C. Lutoff, P.-A. Davoine, G. Molinié, J.-D. Creutin)
12:15Assessment of motorists' exposure to flash floods in the Gard region: integrating travel-activity adaptation behaviors and decision-making processes
presentation in pdf
S. Shabou (S. Shabou, S. Debionne, I. Ruin, J.-D. Creutin, C. Lutoff)
12:30Evolution of the vulnerability of people and property to flooding in three cities of the Gard department (south of France)
presentation in pdf
E. Dubos-Paillard (J. Boulier, E. Dubos-Paillard, A. Pavard, V. Sanseverino)
12:45Analyzing social vulnerability to flash floods: a sociological case study of residential practices
presentation in pdf
S. Durand (S. Durand, C. Lutoff, S. Duvillard)
11:45 - 13:00
Room: Thalatta2
T2.2 - Dense water formation and ocean processes
Chairs: H. Giordani, P. Testor
11:45The TRANSMED SST and SSS time series in the Gulf of Lions: from events to interannual variability
presentation in pdf
I. Taupier-Letage (I. Taupier-Letage, G. Rougier)
12:00Intensive Argo floats deployments in the western Mediterranean Sea from 2012 to 2015
L. Coppola (L. Coppola, F. D'Ortenzio, P. Conan, O. Pasqueron de Fommervault, N. Mayot, S. Le Reste, P. Testor, I. Taupier- Letage, C. Estournel)
5-year science outlook meeting: dense water formation and ocean processes
presentation in pdf
Chairs: H. Giordani, P. Testor
11:45 - 13:00
Room: Pelagos
T2.3 - 5-year science outlook meeting: Mediterranean cyclones
Chairs: E. Flaounas, S. Davolio

13:00 - 15:00Lunch break

15:00 - 15:30
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science review: droughts and water resources
presentation in pdf
J. Polcher, P. Quintana-Segui
15:30 - 16:45Parallel sessions & meetings T3.1, T3.2, T3.3
15:30 - 16:45
Room: Thalatta1
T3.1 - Droughts and water resources
Chair: Y. Tramblay
15:30The EartH2Observe Spanish case study: simulation of drought processes in Spain
presentation in pdf
P. Quintana-Seguí (P. Quintana-Seguí, G. Miguez-Macho, M. Turco, M. C. Llasat, A. Martinez de la Torre)
15:45The role of the atmospheric coupling in the ability of ORCHIDEE to simulate droughts
presentation in pdf
J. Polcher (J. Polcher, M. Stefanon)
16:00Evaluating the respective impact of the radiative forcing and fertilization response of vegetation to a carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere during severe heatwaves
presentation in pdf
M. Stéfanon (L. Lemordant, P. Gentine, M. Stéfanon, P. Drobinski)
16:15Winter dry spells indexes in the Mediterranean basin: variability (1951-2013), oceanic and atmospheric forcing (1979-2013)
presentation in pdf
F. Raymond (F. Raymond, A. Ullmann, P. Camberlin)
16:30How much does weather control fire size and intensity in the Mediterranean region?
presentation in pdf
C. Hernandez (C. Hernandez, P. Drobinski, S. Turquety, J-L. Dupuy, C. Keribin)
15:30 - 17:00
Room: Thalatta2
T3.2 - Heavy precipitation: water vapour and storm environment
Chair: K. Horvath
15:30Continuous humidity profiling using a wind-profiler radar in the UHF band (continued)
presentation in pdf
F. Saïd (F. Saïd, B. Campistron, D. Bengochea , O. Bock, P. Di Girolamo, D. Legain)
15:45Observation of low-level wind reversals in the Gulf of Lion area and their impact on the water vapour distribution and variability
presentation in pdf
P. Di Girolamo (P. Di Girolamo, C. Flamant, M. Cacciani, E. Richard, V. Ducrocq, D. Summa, D. Stelitano, N. Fourrié, F. Said)
16:00Coherence between multi-instrument and multi-model atmospheric moisture retrievals in the framework of the HyMeX SOP1
presentation in pdf
P. Chazette (P. Chazette, C. Flamant, X. Shang, J. Totems, J.-C. Raut, A. Doerenbecher, V. Ducrocq, N. Fourrié, O. Bock, S. Cloché)
16:15Multi-scale interactions between moist-air flow and deep precipitation during HyMeX IOP15a heavy precipitation event
presentation in pdf
K. Lee (K. Lee, C. Framant, V. Durocq, Nadia Fourrié, P. Chazette, O. Bock)
16:30Catastrophic floods in the lower Sava river basin in May 2014
presentation in pdf
B. Ivančan-Picek (B. Ivančan-Picek, N. Strelec Mahović ,T. Renko, T. Vujnović)
16:45Long-term variability of CCN at a marine background site of the eastern Mediterranean
presentation in pdf
A. Bougiatioti (A. Bougiatioti, I. Stavroulas, G. Kouvarakis, A. Nenes, N. Mihalopoulos)
15:30 - 16:45
Room: Pelagos
T3.3 - 5-year science outlook meeting: dense water formation and ocean processes
Chairs: H. Giordani, P. Testor

16:45 - 17:30Poster session 2 and coffee break

17:30 - 18:00
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science outlook review: regional climate modelling
presentation in pdf
S. Somot
18:00 - 19:00Parallel sessions & meetings T4.1, T4.2, T4.3
18:00 - 19:00
Room: Thalatta1
T4.1 - Regional climate modelling meeting: Med-CORDEX activities for the period 2010-2015
presentation in pdf
Chair: B. Ahrens
18:00 - 19:00
Room: Thalatta2
T4.2 - Data assimilation
Chair: J. Campins
18:00The second AROME-WMED reanalysis of SOP1
presentation in pdf
N. Fourrié (N. Fourrié, M. Nuret, P. Brousseau, A. Doerenbecher, H. Bénichou, P. Moll, O. Bock, F. Saïd)
18:15Benefits of sequential data assimilation methods for the predictability of Mediterranean severe weather
presentation in pdf
V. Homar (D. Carrió, V. Homar)
18:30Impact of the recent improvements of the AROME-France numerical weather prediction system on the convection forecasting
presentation in pdf
P. Brousseau (P. Brousseau, Y. Seity, N. Fourrié)
18:45Development of a new ensemble data assimilation scheme for the convective scale AROME model
presentation in pdf
Y. Michel (Y. Michel, T. Montmerle)
18:00 - 19:00
Room: Pelagos
T4.3 - Discussion about a future field campaign in the eastern Mediterranean
Chairs: C. Flamant, N. Kalthoff, E. Morin

Wednesday 23 September 2015
09:00 - 09:30
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science review: lightning and atmospheric electricity
presentation in pdf
S. Coquillat
09:30 - 11:00Parallel sessions & meetings W1.1, W1.2, W1.3
09:30 - 11:00
Room: Thalatta1
W1.1 - Joint TALOS HyMeX lightning session
Chair: C. Price
09:30The TALOS project: climatology, nowcasting and forecasting of lightning activity
presentation in pdf
K. Lagouvardos (K. Lagouvardos, V. Kotroni, S. Kazadzis, T. Giannaros, A. Karagiannidis, E. Galanaki, E. Proestakis)
09:45SAETTA: fine-scale observation of the total lightning activity in the framework of the CORSiCA atmospheric observatory
presentation in pdf
S. Coquillat (S. Coquillat, E. Defer, D. Lambert, J.-M. Martin, J.-P. Pinty, V. Pont, S. Prieur)
10:00Lightning morphologies in the LMA-HyMeX database
presentation in pdf
G. Molinié (G. Molinié, J.-P. Pinty, H. Bresson, E. Defer, S. Coquillat)
10:15Assimilation of Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) data into AROME-WMED: a first attempt on HyMeX IOP6
presentation in pdf
O. Caumont (C. Zecchin, O. Caumont, É. Defer, J.-P. Pinty, C. Bovalo, C. Barthe)
10:30Simulation in a mesoscale model of several electrified storms observed by a LMA during HyMeX SOP1
presentation in pdf
J.-P. Pinty (J.-P. Pinty, C. Bovalo, P. Krehbiel, B. Rison, R. Thomas, E. Defer, E. Richard)
10:45Performance evaluation of an operational lightning prediction system
presentation in pdf
T.M. Giannaros (T.M. Giannaros, V. Kotroni, K. Lagouvardos)
09:30 - 11:00
Room: Thalatta2
W1.2 - Regional climate modelling: Heavy precipitation at climate scale
Chair: E. Coppola
09:30Extreme rainfall in southern France: spatio-temporal features and trends
presentation in pdf
J. Blanchet (J. Blanchet, G. Molinié, V. Mélèze, J. Touati)
09:45Sensitivity of the representation of Heavy Precipitation Events over the western Mediterranean region to the new physical parameterizations in the Regional Climate Model ALADIN
presentation in pdf
G. Fosser (G. Fosser, R. Roehrig, O. Nuissier, C. Dubois, S. Somot)
10:00How regional climate models feature rainfall in southern France
presentation in pdf
G. Molinié (S. Froidurot, G. Molinié, A. Diedhiou, S. Bastin, L. Li, R. Roehrig)
10:15Investigating the effects of the internal variability of a regional climate model on the Mediterranean cyclones
presentation in pdf
E. Sanchez-Gomez (E. Sanchez-Gomez, S. Somot)
10:30Spatiotemporal characterisation of Mediterranean extreme precipitation events: a multi-model assessment
presentation in pdf
L. Cavicchia (L. Cavicchia, E. Scoccimarro, S. Gualdi, B. Ahrens, S. Berthou, P. Drobinski, D. Conte, A. Dell'Aquila, V. Djurdjevic, C. Dubois, C. Gallardo, C. Torma)
10:45Estimation of regional precipitation changes using RegCM experiments
presentation in pdf
R. Pongracz (R. Pongracz, J. Bartholy, I. Pieczka, K. Andre)
09:30 - 11:00
Room: Pelagos
W1.3 - 5-year science outlook meeting: air-sea coupling from an ocean processes perspective
Chairs: H. Giordani, P. Testor, M.N. Bouin, C. Lebeaupin-Brossier

11:00 - 11:30Coffee break

11:30 - 12:00
Room: Thalatta1
5-year science review: atmospheric convective-scale data assimilation and ensemble prediction systems
presentation in pdf
N. Fourrié
12:00 - 13:00Parallel sessions & meetings W2.1, W2.2
12:00 - 13:00
Room: Thalatta1
W2.1 - Ensemble prediction systems
Chair: V. Homar
12:00New strategy for probabilistic severe weather forecast: Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction Systems. The new AEMET project.
presentation in pdf
J.A. García-Moya (J.A. García-Moya, A. Callado, P. Escribà, C. Santos)
12:15Predictability of high impact weather events in the Mediterranean
presentation in pdf
C. Keil (C. Keil, M. Westphal, C. Marsigli, O. Nuissier)
12:30Multi-model ensemble hydrometeorological simulations of the 2011 and 2014 flash floods in Genoa, Italy: a comparison study in the framework of the DRIHM project
presentation in pdf
O. Caumont (O. Caumont, A. Hally, L. Garrote, É. Richard, A. Weerts, F. Delogu, E. Fiori, N. Rebora, A. Parodi, A. Mihalović, M. Ivković, L. Dekić, W. van Verseveld, O. Nuissier, V. Ducrocq, D. D'Agostino, A. Galizia, E. Danovaro, A. Clematis)
12:45High-resolution climatography of seasonal precipitation
presentation in pdf
P. Kunin (D. Rostkier-Edelstein, Y. Liu, W. Wu, P. Kunin, M. Ge, A. Givati)
12:00 - 13:00
Room: Thalatta2
W2.2 - Regional climate modelling: Heavy precipitation at climate scale
Chair: E. Coppola
12:00Temperature-precipitation extremes relationship in the Mediterranean: past climate assessment and projection in anthropogenic scenarios
presentation in pdf
P. Drobinski (P. Drobinski, N. Da Silva, G. Panthou, S. Bastin, C. Muller, B. Ahrens, M. Borga, D. Conte, G. Fosser, F. Giorgi, I. Güttler, V. Kotroni, L. Li, E. Morin, B. Onol, P. Quintana-Segui, R. Romera, Torma Csaba Zsolt)
12:15Improving convection parameterization in the context of Mediterranean heavy precipitating events over land
presentation in pdf
R. Roehrig (R. Roehrig, G. Fosser, O. Nuissier, F. Duffourg, I. Beau, S. Somot)
12:15Regional climate modelling: Heavy precipitation at climate scale meeting
presentation in pdf
Chair: E. Coppola, S. Anquetin
12:00 - 13:00
Room: Pelagos
W2.3 - 5-year science outlook meeting: air-sea coupling and influences on atmospheric processes
Chairs: M.N. Bouin, C. Lebeaupin-Brossier, P. Di Girolamo, C. Flamant, N. Kalthoff

13:00 - 15:00Lunch break

15:00 - 16:30Parallel sessions & meetings W3.1, W3.2, W3.3
15:00 - 16:30
Room: Thalatta1
W3.1 - Heavy precipitation: High-resolution modelling studies
Chair: S. Davolio
15:00Model study of HyMeX IOP8 - a Mediterranean heavy precipitation event
presentation in pdf
L. Röhner (L. Röhner, V. Homar, D. Carrio, A. Montani, U. Corsmeier)
15:15Sensitivity of numerical simulations of a Mesoscale Convective System in France, during the HyMeX SOP1 using the WRF model
presentation in pdf
S. Dafis (S. Dafis, K. Lagouvardos, V. Kotroni, Th. M. Giannaros, A. Bartzokas)
15:30Evaluation of the 2-moment microphysical scheme LIMA based on HyMeX IOP6 microphysical observations
presentation in pdf
B. Vié (B. Vié, G. Delautier, M. Taufour)
15:45Evaluation of the turbulence representation in deep convective clouds
presentation in pdf
D. Ricard (D. Ricard, A. Verrelle, C. Lac)
16:00Influence of the Alps and the Apennines effecting two WRF forecasts during HyMeX
presentation in pdf
R. Rotunno (E. Pichelli, R. Rotunno, R. Ferretti)
16:15A summary of orographic enhancement precipitation case studies in the eastern Pyrenees mountain range
presentation in pdf
J. Bech (L. Trapero, J. Bech, F. Duffourg, J. Lorente)
15:00 - 16:30
Room: Thalatta2
W3.2 - Regional climate modelling, air-sea coupling, dense water formation: air-sea fluxes and ocean circulation
Chair: G. Sannino
15:00Mesoscale winds in regional climate models: Mistral and Tramontane
presentation in pdf
A. Obermann (A. Obermann, B. Edelmann, B. Ahrens)
15:15Heat and salt redistribution in the Mediterranean Sea: insights from the MedCORDEX model ensemble
presentation in pdf
D. Gomis (J. Llasses, G. Jordà, D. Gomis, F. Adloff, D. Macías-Moy, A. Harzallah, T. Arsouze, B. Ahrens, L. Li, A. Elizalde, G. Sannino)
15:30Multi-model analysis of the inter-annual variability of the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation
presentation in pdf
G. Sannino (G. Sannino, M. Adani, J. Beuvier, A. Carillo, G. Jordà, G. Pisacane, F. Sevault, M.V. Struglia, V. Vervatis)
15:45Regional climate modelling, air-sea coupling, dense water formation: air-sea fluxes and ocean circulation meeting
presentation in pdf
Chairs: G. Sannino, M.N. Bouin
15:00 - 16:30
Room: Pelagos
W3.3 - Vulnerabilities
Chairs: C. Llasat, O. Petrucci, I. Ruin
15:00Weather types and return periods: are they useful to characterize historical floods?
M. C. Llasat (M. C. Llasat, J. Gilabert, M. Llasat-Botija, R. Marcos, M. Cortès, L. Mediero)
15:15Identifying the most relevant predictors of flash flood human impacts: an analysis of the U.S. storm database
G. Terti (G. Terti, I. Ruin, S. Anquetin, J. J. Gourley)
5-year science outlook meeting: vulnerabilities
presentation in pdf
Chairs: C. Llasat, O. Petrucci, I. Ruin

16:30 - 17:15Poster session 3 and coffee break

17:15 - 19:00
Room: Thalatta1
Discussion on the achievements and future orientations of the programme
presentation in pdf

Chairs: V. Ducrocq, P. Drobinski

20:00Gala dinner

Thursday 24 September 2015
09:00 - 10:30Parallel sessions & meetings TH1.1, TH1.2, TH1.3
09:00 - 10:30
Room: Thalatta1
TH1.1 - Regional climate modelling: Fully-coupled regional climate system models in Med-CORDEX
Chair: B. Ahrens
09:00Simulations of the Mediterranean climate and climate change projections with the CMCC coupled regional model
presentation in pdf
L. Cavicchia (L, Cavicchia, S. Gualdi, A. Sanna, P. Oddo)
09:15Cyclone contribution to the Mediterranean Sea water budget
presentation in pdf
E. Flaounas (E. Flaounas, A Di Luca, P Drobinski, S Mailler, T Arsouze, S Bastin, K. Beranger, C Lebeaupin Brossier)
09:30Impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling and high resolution on the simulation of tropical-like cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea: multi-model analysis with MedCORDEX and EURO-CORDEX simulations
presentation in pdf
M. A. Gaertner (M. Á. Gaertner, M. Domínguez, R. Romera, V. Gil, E. Sánchez, C. Gallardo, M. M. Miglietta, Med-CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX teams)
09:45Aerosol effects on water cycle and ocean convection in the Mediterranean basin: a regional coupled modelling approach
presentation in pdf
P. Nabat (P. Nabat, S. Somot, M. Mallet, F. Sevault)
Regional climate modelling: Fully-coupled regional climate system models in Med-CORDEX meeting
presentation in pdf
Chair: B. Ahrens
09:00 - 10:15
Room: Thalatta2
TH1.2 - Heavy precipitation, microphysics
Chair: G. Delrieu
09:00Subgrid variability of the raindrop size distribution
presentation in pdf
T. Raupach (T. H. Raupach, A. Berne)
09:15Comparison of rainfall estimate accuracy for small scale hydrology, based on operational network-, high resolution rain gauge network- and radar data in the Cévennes-Vivarais region, France
presentation in pdf
A. Wijbrans (A.Wijbrans, G. Delrieu, G. Nord)
09:30Relationships between total lightning activity, microphysics, and kinematics during the 24 September 2012 HyMeX bow-echo system
presentation in pdf
S. Coquillat (J-F. Ribaud, O. Bousquet, S. Coquillat)
09:45Orographic impact on the precipitation microphysical processes during SOP1
presentation in pdf
J. Van Baelen (J. Zwiebel, J. Van Baelen, S. Anquetin, B. Boudevillain, Y. Pointin)
10:00Comparison of two hourly rainfall stochastic models: the ability to reproduce extreme rainfall at different time scales
presentation in pdf
P. Cantet (P. Cantet, P. Arnaud)
09:00 - 10:30
Room: Pelagos
TH1.3 - 5-year science outlook meeting: flash-floods and vulnerabilities
Chairs: I. Braud, C. Llasat, O. Petrucci

10:30 - 11:00Coffee break

11:00 - 13:00Parallel sessions & meetings TH2.1, TH2.2
11:00 - 13:00
Room: Thalatta1
TH2.1 - Regional climate modelling: ENVIMED MaHb project
Chair: K. Von Schuckmann
11:00A review of the Mediterranean Sea heat and mass budgets
presentation in pdf
G. Jordà (G. Jordà, K. von Schukmann, S. Josey, G. Caniaux, J. García-Lafuente, S. Sammartino, C. Naranjo, E. Özsoy, J. Polcher, I. Gertman, G. Notarstefano, P. Poulain, S. Somot)
11:15Regional ocean indicators in the Mediterranean Sea from in situ measurements during 2004-2014
presentation in pdf
K. von Schuckmann (K. von Schuckmann, G. Notarstefano, F. Calafat, P.-M. Poulain, I. Taupier-Letage, L. Prieur, M. Hamon, N. Reul)
11:30The monitoring of thermohaline variability in the central Mediterranean combining continuous strait measurements and periodic basin scale surveys
presentation in pdf
S. Ben Ismail (S. Ben Ismail, C. Sammari, K. Schroeder, P.-M. Poulain)
11:45On the representation of Mediterranean sea level in regional climate models
presentation in pdf
F. Adloff (F. Adloff, G. Jordà, S. Somot, F. Sevault, B. Meyssignac , T. Arzouse, L. Li, S. Planton)
12:00Regional climate modelling: ENVIMED MaHb project meeting
presentation in pdf
Chair: K. Von Schuckmann
11:00 - 13:00
Room: Thalatta2
TH2.2 - 5-year science outlook meeting: integrated forecasting of heavy precipitation, flash-floods and impacts
Chairs: S. Anquetin, I. Braud, N. Fourrié, O. Paraystre, O. Petrucci, I. Ruin

13:00 - 15:00Lunch break

15:00 - 16:45
Room: Thalatta1
TH3.1 - Regional climate modelling, heavy precipitation, flash-floods, droughts: Climate change impacts on the Mediterranean
Chair: E. Coppola
15:00Impact of climate change on runoff timing over the Alpine region
presentation in pdf
E. Coppola (E. Coppola, F. Raffaele, F. Giorgi, C. Torma)
15:15Hydrological impacts of climate change in Morocco and Tunisia
presentation in pdf
Y. Tramblay (Y. Tramblay, D. Ruelland, L. Hanich, Z. Bargaoui)